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South Austin Dental
Austin, TX

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Sleep Apnea
Austin, TX

 Woman struggling to get sleep due to her husband's sleep apnea. Learn more about sleep apnea treatments at South Austin Dental in Austin, TXAt South Austin Dental, we have a great deal of experience in helping patients with sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea is one of the most common sleeping disorders in the world. Apnea is a Greek word that means "want of breath." There are three main types of sleep apnea: central sleep apnea, complex sleep apnea, and obstructive sleep apnea.

One common symptom of sleep apnea is loud snoring, although the most serious symptom is difficulty breathing. It is often caused by blockages in the air passages although there are other contributing factors. In many cases, sleep apnea can be improved or even cured by good dentistry. If you do suffer from sleep apnea, then visit us to see what we can do for you. We can help make sure you can breathe freely when sleeping, leaving you safe and able to get a good night’s sleep.

Sleeping Difficulties

While stopping breathing may sound quite alarming, it is not usually a problem because the patient wakes up because of it. This leads to another problem, though, because it makes it difficult for the patient to sleep well at night. Not getting enough sleep can make things very difficult the following day and it can cause you to struggle at work and even on your social life. A visit to our professionals can help ensure you get the rest that you need for a full and happy life.

Oral Appliance Therapy

One of the most common treatments for sleep apnea is mouth guards. These help to bring your lower jaw forward when you are sleeping at night. This helps because sleep apnea is often caused by blocked airways when the jaw slips backward at night. It might take a little getting used to at first, but it will cure the problem in many cases. Our dentistry experts will help fit a mouth guard that is as comfortable as possible, leaving you comfortable when sleeping at night. Just a few visits to us can improve your life considerably.

The right oral appliance for you will depend on some factors, and there are quite a few to choose from. Visit our office, and we will be able to advise you on what products are available and what is best for you. If needed, we can also arrange for a custom-made appliance to be made just for you. This will help maximize its comfort and effect. Regardless of which is best for you, our team will make sure you get the appliance that fits in with your needs and your budget best.

Tooth Grinding

Another symptom of sleep apnea is Bruxism, which is grinding of the teeth. This grinding can cause damage to the teeth over time, potentially leading them to need repairs, or even replacing altogether. Sometimes, evidence of this grinding can help to identify sleep apnea in the first place. This is another good reason why you should visit us for regular check-ups.

Of course, our experienced dentists are also able to help with problems caused directly by bruxism. Nighttime mouth guards can help protect your teeth from further grinding, while we are also able to repair the damage that has already been done. Crowns will help to strengthen and repair damaged teeth, leaving you free to use them for long into the future.

If you do suffer from sleep apnea, and you would like further information, then please contact South Austin Dental at (512) 441-8922. Our dentistry experts are experienced and knowledgeable in dealing with the condition, and we can help you get the sleep that you need.


(512) 441-8922


Mon: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Tues:8:00am - 4:30pm
Weds: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Thurs: 8:00am - 2:00pm
Fri: Closed
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Sleep Apnea Treatments | South Austin Dental - Dentist in Austin, TX
Trouble sleeping? At South Austin Dental, our team of experts can help diagnose and treat your sleep apnea! Click here to learn more and give us a call today!
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