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South Austin Dental
Austin, TX

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Dentistry for Kids
Austin, TX

Adorable Black girl getting a dental cleaning at South Austin Dental in Austin, TXAt South Austin Dental, we know that children’s oral health is just as important as good oral health for adults. Many people overlook the importance of good oral health for children. Many will claim that they will naturally lose their current teeth anyway, so looking after them is not necessary. Nothing could be further from the truth, however. We recommend regular visits to our office for check-ups for children as doing so could prevent serious problems down the line.

Developing Mouth and Teeth

Children are still developing. They are still growing, and they need to be able to grow in the right manner. This includes their mouth and teeth, and good oral health will encourage this. Disfigured teeth can have a serious impact on a child’s developing jawline, potentially leading to an unusual appearance in adulthood. Their jaws can also be disfigured, and corrective treatment at a young age can help prevent this. It is best to begin such treatment at a young age while the child is still developing.

Corrective treatment can help guide a growing child’s teeth and jaw so that they develop in the desired manner. Come and visit us and we will show how we can make sure your child’s teeth and jaw grow to give a beautiful, healthy smile.

Once a child’s adult teeth have emerged then these too might require guidance to ensure they grow as desired. This will often mean braces and retainers that apply gentle pressure on individual teeth to help steer them in the right direction. Our team is experts in such braces, so come and pay us a visit for expert guidance. With our expertise, your kids can look forward to excellent oral health.

Cleaning is Essential

Convincing children to clean regularly is not always easy. They can still develop problems such as cavities, though, and this can lead to further serious problems such as infections. Children also tend to be fonder of sweet, sugary foods than adults and this can make the problems worse. If they are no supervised, brushings can be skipped often, and teeth are destroying bacteria can be allowed to develop.

With this in mind, we recommend that children come to visit us for a check-up regularly. We can then make sure that their mouths are in good health and provide thorough cleanings to help prevent further problems.

Children tend to be very reluctant to visit us, as are many adults. Regular visits to us, though, can help make sure that they don’t face serious problems at some point in the future. While examinations and cleanings are not exactly fun, they are a lot less unpleasant than extractions and root canals. For a little discomfort and inconvenience now, they can be saving themselves a great deal more pain and hassle in the future.

If you wish to know more about dentistry for kids, please contact us at South Austin Dental at (512) 441-8922. Our expert team will help make sure that your kids have strong and healthy teeth well into their adulthood.


(512) 441-8922


Mon: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Tues:8:00am - 4:30pm
Weds: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Thurs: 8:00am - 2:00pm
Fri: Closed
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Dentistry for Kids | South Austin Dental - Dentist in Austin, TX
At South Austin Dental, we know that children's oral health is just as important as good oral health for adults. Click here to learn about our services for kids!
South Austin Dental, 6905 West Gate Blvd. Suite B, Austin, TX 78745 - (512) 441-8922 - - 1/31/2025 - Related Phrases: dentist South Austin -